ACA Princess Ball
Buy your tickets now in the elementary front office until October 11th.

Construction Update (September)
We wanted to provide an exciting update about our upcoming construction project. We will break ground on our new building beginning in...

ACA Awarded AZ Commission on the Arts Grant for the 2nd Time!
This is the Second Year in a Row that ACA has received the grant money, which is made possible through the Arizona Commission on the Arts...

Spotlight: ACA 3rd-5th Grade Afterschool Choir
The arts at Arizona Charter Academy continue to become more and more dynamic each year as more students tap into their creative side and...

ACA Family Art Night a Blast
ACA's Fine Arts teachers collaborated and hosted the first ever ACA Family Art Night. There was a huge turnout and a constant stream of...

Artrageous Family Art Night
Joins us for our first ever Family Art Night! Enjoy crafts, student led artwork and snacks. Let your imagination soar!

ACA Coffee Talk
You don't want to miss our next ACA Coffee Talk coming up on Thursday Sept. 19th at 7:40am. We'll be going over exciting construction...

Book Fair Week!
September 3rd-6th Students are welcome to bring money for the bookfair during the school day and it will be open during parent teacher...

Fall Sports 19/20 Game Schedules
Update***Playoff Game Info*** Flag Football Playoffs Location: ASU West Date: October 18th and/or 19th Time: TBD Volleyball Playoffs...