We wanted to provide an exciting update about our upcoming construction project. We will break ground on our new building beginning in mid-October. We held a Coffee Talk earlier this month for any parent that wanted to hear the updates in person.
Here are the highlights and main points we want parents to know going into this exciting time for ACA:
Our same committment to small class sizes, we are building to accommodate our planned projected growth.
Safety is our #1 concern!
We will have designated staging areas that will be off limits to students.
Construction workers will not have access to our campus.
On-site supervisor will be onsite daily to oversee the project and has a fingerprint clearance card.
Barriers will be in place to ensure safety at all times.
Construction will NOT disrupt daily learning
Drop-off and pick-up will be the same
Three Phased Project
Our overall project is being done in 3 parts. 2 parts are already complete at this point. Over the summer, before our school year started we completed tenant improvements in our K-1 building to expand classroom sizes. We also expanded the MPR to make both sides the same size.

We also added the solar panels to parking lots which have brought MUCH needed shade for our recesses and dismissal times. It is also reduces long-term energy costs and provides additional lighting in parking areas.

New Construction and Playground Expansion
The last phase of our improvements include the construction of our new building along with an expansion to our playground areas.

Why New Construction?
Our new building will have 12 classrooms where we will be providing more classroom space for our current students. It will also provide a place for
Additional space for electives
Special education resources rooms
and allow us to keep our class sizes small
We will also be placing in drainage underground which will allow us to fill in the field in the back of our playground, thus creating much more usable playground space for the students.
Phase I will begin starting during our Fall Break this year in October and Phase II will take place over the summer 2020. The project will be completed and ready to go by the beginning of the 20/21 school year in August.
It's an exciting time to be an ACA Bulldog! We will keep you updated as the project continues.
Any questions regarding construction can be sent to our CEO, Melissa Holdaway at mholdaway@azcharter.com