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Lunch with Leaders

Lunch with Leaders is a staple of ACA.  This program started when we had a high school as a way to highlight for students different avenues and career paths that they had ahead of them as they prepared to head off to life after high school.  Upon moving to a K-8 school we decided that this was a great program to bring to our middle school students - as this would help them decide what electives and programs that they would like to participate in as they prepared for high school.


Our Lunch with Leaders program is held monthly during lunch for both 5/6 and 7/8.  Students come on a 1st come and 1st served basis and get to enjoy pizza during the presentation.  Presenters have included community members of all walks of life including Surprise and El Mirage city council members, former military members, and West Valley bankers, to name a few.  Each month this is a sell out event and students come out feeling energized and excited about potential career and education opportunities.



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