ACA is proud to be a school that serves! We love serving our surrounding community and fellow ACA families. Every year we give Thanksgiving food boxes and Christmas food boxes for ACA families in need.
This year we received a fantastic surprise for our Christmas food boxes! Our Integrated Academy of Studies students (6th-8th grades) have an after school club called Interact Club. This club is affiliated with the Rotary Club of Surprise. Zoey Zanotelli, an ACA 6th grade said of the club "I am able to make a difference in the world while having fun".
ACA students try to attend most of the Rotary meetings and participate in community service projects with the Rotarians. When the Rotarians of Surprise caught wind of what ACA students were working on for the Christmas food boxes they wanted to jump in and help!
At their meeting in December, 2 ACA students Wyatt Ayon and Zoey Zanotelli attended and were telling the Rotarians about our Christmas food boxes. As they were talking, Rotarians began getting up and making donations to the cause, right then and there! The students were shocked! Wyatt explained it as "I felt like I just became president!"
All in all, the students walked away with over $450 of donations from that night that will go straight to the food boxes. A HUGE thank you to Surprise Rotary for your generosity!