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Weekly Outlook- First Week of School



ACA Weekly Outlook 

We are so close to school starting and we can’t wait to see our students again! If you didn’t get a chance to read ACA Principal Beckman’s Welcome Letter, you can do so HERE

NEW: Before Care Fees. Please keep in mind, before care is available for a fee. Paperwork MUST be completed prior to your child being dropped off. Please see our front office for details.  

Note: This message is only sent to currently enrolled families, so if you DO NOT plan on returning to ACA please contact our front office ASAP at 623-974-4959 


Monday 7/29: Office open 7:30am-3:30 

Tuesday 7/30: Office closed 11am-1:30pm 

Wednesday 7/31: Office closed all day for staff training 

Thursday 8/1: 1st day of school 1st-8th grades 

Friday 8/2: School starts at 8am sharp 


Preparing for the Heat 

We know the temps are expected to be very high for the first few weeks of school.  


Here’s how you can prepare your child: 

  • Please make sure they are drinking lots of water at home. 

  • We highly encourage them to bring a water bottle to school. Put their name on it and we have water bottle filling stations all around campus. 

  • No hoodies are allowed to be worn outside when it’s higher than 90 degrees. Students will be required and asked to remove them anytime temps are higher than 90.  

  • Please have your child wear sunscreen with an SPF above 30. If your child is old enough, they are welcome to reapply during the day (no aerosol cans though) 

  • We ask for increased patience at dismissal as we will be keeping all students inside for longer periods of time and it might take them longer to get to your car because of this. 


Here is how ACA is preparing...Anytime the temperature is above 105 the following will occur: 

  • During Middle School dismissal - students are under the shade at all times.  If after 20 minutes your child needs to get out of the heat, all they have to do is head back to the middle school foyer/DTL and notify staff while they are on their way. 

  • Sports and strenuous activity will be limited during outdoor recess, games of basketball will be limited to only 10 minutes.  

  • Elementary recess is only 15 minutes at a time and students will get water both before and after.  

  • Dismissal has been rerouted to keep the students in an air-conditioned classroom until they are walking out and getting in their car. 

  • For arrival, classrooms will be open at 7:45 and students can remain indoors if they choose. 

  • Additional shade structures are put up throughout the playground and parking lot 

  • All students have access to multiple water fountains that also have water bottle filling stations as well as highly encouraged to have a water bottle with them on campus. 

  • Portable swamp coolers are used where appropriate. 

  • Certain staff are CPR and First Aid Certified 


Important Drop-Off and Dismissal Details 


To ensure the safest and smoothest drop-off and pick-up possible: 

  • Middle School dismissal now starts at 3:10 

  • In K-4 please ensure your child is sitting on the right side of the vehicle. All students need to exit from the right. 

  • During drop-off as soon as you pull forward, please have your child begin exiting the vehicle, do not wait for the team to open the door. Someone will eventually come around and assist if your child needs additional assistance. 

  • Please follow the maps based on your child’s grade level. The route you follow is based on your youngest child’s grade level. Dismissal maps can be found HERE

  • Our drop-off and dismissal line must be entered through Greenway. Please do NOT attempt to enter the line from Central or Sunny Lane as you will be cutting in front of other cars and will be asked to go to the back of the line. 

  • An important safety note for K-4: students cannot unload OR load past our spot #8 


Meet the Teacher Night! 

You should have already received your email to sign up for your Meet the Teacher appointment. If you did not receive it, please email our front office at as soon as possible. 

1st-8th Grade Meet the Teacher 

Friday July 26th 4:00pm-7:00pm (By Appointment Only) 


Kinder Meet the Teacher and First Week of School  

For detailed information about the first week of school for incoming Kindergarten students, please click HERE

Thursday 8/1 


Kinder Meet the Teachers by Appointment 

Not a School Day for Kinder 

Friday 8/2 


Kinder Meet the Teachers by Appointment 

Not a School Day for Kinder 


Monday 8/5 


Normal Late Start Day for all students K-8. 


Reminder: Before Care is available for a Fee this school year Monday-Friday.  



Monday Only (7-8:45am) 

Tues-Friday (7-7:30) 













Drop In/Daily Rate 







All students that will walk home or ride their bikes home need to have a new permission slip filled out in our front office before school starts. 


August At a Glance 


Integrated Academy of Studies Parents 

Our middle school has a website to stay up to date with the latest. Please take a moment and visit and bookmark this page. 

Middle School Laptop Loaner Policy 

At ACA, laptops are used in most middle school classrooms. It is essential for students to bring their laptops to school every day. If a student forgets their laptop at home OR the laptop is dead, a loaner computer will be provided for the day, and the student will be assigned community service from 3:15 – 3:30 PM.  

Parents will be notified through our Remind App, and we ask that you arrive last in line for dismissal on these days. To learn more click HERE


ACA is a Cell Phone Free School! 

In this day of technology children have constant access to smartphones. At ACA we know the importance of kids being kids and getting that time away from their devices. ACA is a completely Cell Phone Free School! From the time students enter our gates to the time they walk out of the gates to get into their cars they will be free from their cellphones! This will be upheld for the entire school year and we wanted to ensure parents fully understand prior to the year starting. It’s going to be a great year! 


Stay Informed: Download the Remind App for K-8 

In an effort to streamline communication, ACA is moving to 1 platform for all forms of communication and that will be Remind. The great thing is, to receive our messages you don’t need to opt-in, you are automatically opted in through our student management system. Once you login, go to your account and set your language preferences. If you prefer to receive messages in a particular language that can be set up there.  


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Surprise, AZ 85374


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Monday 8:45am - 3:30 PM

Tuesday-Friday    7:00 AM -3:30 PM

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Accessibility: If you use assistive technology and the format of any material on this site interferes with your ability to access information, please contact our ACA Tech Desk or 623-974-4959. To enable us to respond in a manner most helpful to you, please indicate the nature of your accessibility need, the preferred format in which to receive the material, the web page of the requested material and your contact information.  Free language assistance, auxiliary aids, and/or accommodations are available upon request.

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